When did the first humans live?

first humans
The first humans like us,  that is,  modern humans, probably began in Africa about 200,000 to 100,000 years ago.  But there were earlier types of humans millions of years ago before this.  Scientists call them hominins were very like apes,  with long arms and a big jaw,  but overtime they involved to become more like modern humans and living great apes-chimps,  gorillas, and orangutans—are known as himinids.

Who were the first hominins?

Some of the oldest remains of hominins date from around four million years ago and belong to a group of creatures called Australopithecus. Australopithecus means "southern apes". Most southern apes walked upright like humans but were little more than 3 feet(90 cm) tall. They had a smallish brain, jutting apelike jaws, and hairy bodies, and lived of fruits and vegetables.

Where did hominins live?

All early hominins lived in Africa, and only began to spread out farther two million years ago. The first modern humans, our ancestors, probably began in Africa too.

Who first used tools?

first tools
Humans are not the only creatures to use tools. So do many animals, such as sea otters. All early hominins probably did. But the first hominin to use tools with skill was Homo habilis, or "handy man," who appeared about two million years ago. Handy Man was the first really humanlike creature. He had a large brain and used tools to cut hides to make clothes and food for eating.

Who were the first hunters?

The earliest hominins were vegetarians like apes. But about 1.5-2 million years ago, a kind of hominin called Homo erectus, or upright human, began to hunt and eat meat. Upright humans could light fires, cook food, and hunt with wooden spears. Upright human was also the first hominin to spread out of Africa, and remains have been found as far away as Russia and Indonesia.

Who were the Neanderthals?

The Neanderthal human was the first wise human. Neanderthals people lived partly during the same time, from about 200,000 to less than 30,000 years ago. Neanderthal human had a bigger brain than ours and a more muscular rugged body.

Cave painting of a horse 

Both Neanderthals and early humans often lived in caves and left behind extra ordinary paintings on the wall-mainly of the animals they hunted.

Ancient home

Early humans were usually nomadic and lived in tents made of hide, bones, and stick rather than permanent houses.
